Debbie Harmon

Debbie Harmon began her acting career when she was only a small child.  She would set up movie scenes in her backyard using her swing set as the stage. Her next door neighbors were cast in roles for her pretend movies.  Debbie has always had a passion for films.  Her daddy took her to the movies every week and this fueled that flame inside of her.  Her dream was to one day be a movie star.  However, her parents had other plans for Debbie and sent her to GA Tech to get a college degree.

After graduating from college, Debbie moved to the NYC area to pursue her dream.  It was there that she honed her skills and studied TV and movie acting.  After auditioning for a soap, she quickly realized that NYC was not for her.  God had given her the desires of her heart but it really wasn’t what she wanted.

She walked away from NYC and began writing skits and plays for the church.  After Debbie had her first child, she and her husband relocated back to the south.  For many years Debbie  raised her kids, even homeschooling them.  During this time she continued writing and performing sketches for the church to help pastors introduce their sermons.   She worked with the youth at church overseeing their drama ministries.  

While being a stay at home mom, Debbie began teaching and writing Bible Studies for women.  She also wrote and produced many songs and music videos. 

Always wanting to try something new, Debbie wrote two fictional books:  “Psychology of Secrets” and “Malicious Intent”.  She later wrote the screenplay and produced “Psychology of Secrets” into a film.

When she found herself at the empty nest stage of life, Debbie began teaching Acting Classes to home school kids.  This inspired her to write and produce an acting curriculum for home school students and youth wanting to learn acting techniques.  She also decided to try producing short films for youth.  

Once Debbie finished the short films she then ventured into full length movies.  She wrote her first full length screen play, “Redemption” in December of 2009 and shot the film in early 2010.  But the end of 2010 she had successfully produced her first movie.  

A few years later several people suggested she turn “Psychology of Secrets” into a film.  She wrote the screen play, cast the movie, shot it, directed it, starred in it and edited it just like she does all of her films.   Debbie’s film crew consist of her and sometimes her husband.  She does everything from concept to completion of a movie and loves each part of the process.  Often time she plays multiple characters in the film.  Debbie likes to stay challenged.

Her latest film, “Disruption” is a comedy and Debbie plays three wacky ladies in this movie.  It does get challenging to play multiple parts while filming and directing at the same time.  Debbie always says that “If God don’t show up, it ain’t gonna happen.”  She likens her film making to walking on water.  She just gets out of the boat and does the impossible.  If God wants it to succeed then it will. 

Recently, Debbie has started working on animation.  The introduction to her new film, “Disruption” is a cartoon animation.  When she was a little girl, she used to enjoy the cartoons that were played prior to the movie starting.  This introduction is a throw back to that era. 

Debbie has now ventured into the world of cartoon animation and just completed a children’s series of cartoons called “Charlotte Yvette”.  Thisis a character that she created when her daughter was little and would tell her Charlotte Yvette stories at bed time.  The Charlotte Yvette cartoon series teaches consequential thinking to children.

Watch for her upcoming podcast in the near future.

Debbie enjoys speaking at conferences and encouraging people to be their best self, to get shed of the things that hold them back from living up to their full potential and serving God the way He has called them.  She believes everyone is a unique creation created by God to offer the world something that only they can offer.  She hopes to inspire others through her books, movies, speaking, performing and movies.  Debbie uses multi media during her speaking engagements to not only entertain her audience but to share a message of hope and healing.

To book Debbie for a speaking engagement contact her through this website.